2012年8月16日 星期四


My dear is cooking,
my friend is having fun out there,
and I'm doing my academic works..

I love my dear,
and I miss those happy times with my friends..
but yet..I'm still sitting infront computer and keep doing work..

I know friendship reduce when time pass over, if did not keep in contact,
and I know, abroad study is not just about academic..

But, time have separated us apart,
and time, have build an invisible barriers between us.

We have lost in touch with each others life,
and we have own time plan..
which I couldn't even have chance to know about what's going on until it happens..
This cruel screw inside my heart
and I'm not brave enough to get over it.

and I don't even know what I actually want,
a good cert to ease debt repayment?
Or a person with friendship love?
Can I get both?
Confused..maybe it is just a process or cycle..
it will come back! (wish so.)=)

Well, it just for sharing,
a piece of my mind.

